Tuesday, August 23, 2016

SoZo headbands...you need these in your life!

If you do any type of exercise, you know that sweat in the eyes is a problem. You also know that keeping your hair out of your face is just as big a problem. And, if you are anything like me, you fight finding the right headband that covers both the sweat and hair problems as well as the issue with it staying put. Ugh....that's a lot to expect from a headband right? Wrong!

These headbands from SoZo Enterprise are amazing!!! I'm going to preface my review by first listing my workout from today, so you understand what this headband went through today. (See me flat on my back for recovery....lol)
- 15 stair climber cardio warm-up
- 50 squats, 30 walking lunges, 20 jump squats, 30 side lunges, 50 bridges (Repeat 3x in under 30min...I did it in 19min)
- 50 side crunches per side, 50 crunches, 50 leg lifts, 1min mt. climbers, 2min plank (Repeat 3x in under 30min...I did it in 29min)

1) The sweat wicking material these headbands are made from works like a charm. It kept the sweat from dripping into my eyes through the entire workout. That in and of itself is nearly impossible during my workouts; so, if I could give this product 20 stars I would just for this!
2) I didn't have to worry about my bangs flopping in my face with this headband. Other bands I've tried are either too wide or too narrow. The narrow ones don't hold the hair back, and the wide ones covered darn near my whole head. This band sits perfectly half-way down my forehead and a third of the way back on my head.
3) I have a funny little head. Headbands do not normally stay put, not even the ones with teeth for grip! These beautiful pieces of awesome stay put!!! With everything that I did during my workout today, it never once slid out of place. The only time I did have to adjust the headband was when I took my glasses off (they were tucked into the headband to keep them from sliding).

4) I have yet to wash these, so I don't know how a wash and dry cycle will effect the material or the print. I will update as needed.

I was thinking of giving one of these to my friend, but now I'm thinking that I'm going to be greedy and keep all 3 to myself. They are cute, comfortable, and work!! I'm saving this seller so that I can order more of these as needed in the future.

Check them out at:

*Discounted product provided for honest review.

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