Thursday, October 6, 2016

Wireless, bluetooth, and waterproof....yes!!!!

I have a JBL+2, which has great everything. But I needed a speaker so my husband would quit stealing my Christmas present to take to! This speaker, according to the description, looked like a perfect fit. Since I do have another waterproof bluetooth speaker for comparison, here is what I think about this AYAL speaker.

1) I got a full charge on the speaker in about 4 hours. If you know electronics, then you know that this can be influenced by charging cords and adaptors. So, your charge time could be more or less.
2) Bluetooth hook-up is easy. Following the instructions and you'll be hooked up seconds.
3) The sound is pretty great. Comfortably loud with my phone volume, and party loud by using the speaker volume. The bass isn't too shabby for a portable speaker - it doesn't crackle or sound muffled.
4) I got the speaker wet while washing my truck, and it's still working. That's a big plus in my book. Next summer it will be coming to the pool with me!
5) The charge seemingly lasts forever. I've been using this for a couple weeks for an hour or two a day and I still have yet to plug it in for a recharge.
6) The only reason this speaker gets 4 out of 5 stars is the range of the bluetooth connection. I know that all phones are a little different as far as bluetooth range, but I can't take my phone more than 5-10ft away from the speaker before music cuts out. With my JBL, I can walk into the house or 50ft away with no problem. Boost the bluetooth signal capability on the speaker and I'd give it 5 stars!

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